The Importance of Street-level Marketing.

Visual Feeder
2 min readJun 3, 2021

The Out of Home Advertising Association of America and Nielson released a report on the effectiveness of street-level activations for the first quarter of 2020, reporting that 49% of consumers noticed digital street-level advertising in the past month and 52% noticing digital street level ads. Of this audience, 69% of viewers acted after seeing a digital street-level ad, either searching it online or visiting the business.

Street-level marking provides a unique experience for businesses because it allows them to reach their target audience at eye level in high-traffic areas. With consumers spending about 70% of their time outside their homes, businesses use a multitude of different types of street-level marketing to advertise to their target audiences (such as digital displays, signs, and posters).

Advertising not only serves a fundamental role to the businesses they are advertising and the consumers they target but the cityscape. More than just the products they are selling, ads tell us “about desire, how it changes, and how it and thus we are manipulated.” This possibility for manipulation is because people rarely think about the ads they are seeing when they traverse a city, instead of accepting them as an inherent characteristic of a given city.



Visual Feeder

Transforms retail window spaces into dynamic projection displays for brand experiences.